
6227 Krempen Ave, San Antonio, TX 78233

5 Lawn Diseases Eliminated by Artificial Grass in San Antonio, TX

A natural grass lawn is undeniably beautiful— but only if it’s healthy. Unfortunately, real grass is extremely susceptible to disease, which many San Antonio homeowners are not equipped to handle. Artificial grass in San Antonio, TX offers a permanent and effective solution, especially to the five most common diseases that can damage or destroy your lawn.

Red Thread Disease

When this disease is prevalent, small reddish-brown patches appear on the leaves of grass. These patches will eventually grow larger and turn tan in color as they die. Red thread disease usually develops when a lawn is under stress, such as when it’s under watered or over fertilized. Both issues will never be a problem with artificial turf in San Antonio, TX.

solve lawn disease artificial grass

Dollar Spot Fungus

Dollar spot fungus is a common disease of turf grasses. It is also known as ‘dollar spot’ due to the round, brown patches that form on infected leaves and stems; these turn into small white pustules or lesions with a yellow halo during spore production in late spring.

When conditions are wet for extended periods, it can be difficult to treat a dollar spot infection. Chemical control with fungicides is the most common method of treatment, but due to the fungus’ ability to survive in thatch or soil for several years, it becomes very difficult to eliminate a dollar spot infestation.

This disease is one of the most common reasons why more homeowners are turning to artificial grass in San Antonio, TX. Because dollar spot is so hard to treat, it’s much more practical to get rid of the source in the first place.

Slime Molds

Slime molds are fungi which feed on dying grasses and dead organic matter. They generally appear in late summer or early fall and tend to die out during the winter months.

This type of disease is most commonly found on Kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass, tall fescue, zoysia grasses and ryegrass. They typically form large mats across infected areas of turf that are dark grey or black in color. Since there’s no organic material on synthetic turf, slime molds have no opportunity to infect a synthetic lawn.

Pythium Blight

Pythium blight is especially problematic in lawns that are over-watered or have poor drainage, such as those on poorly prepared sites with heavy clay soils. This condition makes it difficult for plants to absorb adequate oxygen through their root systems; without this necessary gas exchange, the plant will die.

In contrast, a synthetic lawn does not depend on soil conditions, watering or oxygen to survive and fight off diseases. Once artificial grass installation in San Antonio, TX is done, it will remain green and lush regardless of those factors.

Brown Patch Disease

Finally, brown patch is a common and widespread lawn disease that usually occurs during cool, damp weather conditions in late summer to early fall. This fungus produces circular patches of dead grass blades which are tan to dark brown in color; the area around these patches may appear straw-colored due to new healthy growth.

It is possible for this disease to cause significant damage when temperatures are cool and humidity levels are high, as it can spread very quickly during these conditions.

While Texas climate is predominantly warm to hot, brown patch disease can still develop in shady yards or ones that don’t receive enough sunlight. If these conditions affect your yard, artificial grass can help you avoid or solve brown patch disease.

Enjoy a Disease-Free Lawn with Artificial Grass!

Artificial grass is a great way to protect your lawn from diseases and keep it looking lush year-round. Awesome for pets and a backyard putting green, too!

If you’re considering artificial turf for your yard, call Amazing Turf and Lawn today at 210-899-0516 or send us a message for a consultation! We’ll be happy to answer any questions about our services in more detail, so give us a shout – we’d love to hear from you.